Quote Originally Posted by eduki View Post
As a lot artists prefer the hard or "no give" bar on the Flite V2, is it available also for the new Nano? I can see three different bars but watching them I assume that all of them have some give...
The old bars are comparable. I got my Nano in last week and have only used it a couple times. The 3.25mm stroke cam that comes with it is a bit of an odd size to me (although it worked well for B&G), but I was able to use a 4mm cam from my Flite 2.1 with no problem. I haven't played around with the idea of adjusting the new bars by facing them in different directions. I'm glad I got the unit without the light because that thing would probably bother the hell out of me. It's a really solid little (and I do mean LITTLE) machine, a great evolution from the Flite 2.1. I'd say there is no need to upgrade if you are using a Flite, but if you are in the market then yeah go for it.