Hi Ray,
First, I would like to express my sincerest apologies for the inconvenience that you have experienced.

To address the service for your machine, we do have a 16 point inspection that is performed on each machine that is sent in for repair or service regardless of the issue that covered every aspect of the machine from vise function to washer position to motor function, etc…
A copy of this form is included with the returned machine so that you will know everything that was serviced on the machine, and a copy is also kept in-house for any future issues.

I have taken a look at your service form and while inspecting your machine, the issue of the “kick-starting” that you were experiencing was determined to be the fault of a slightly lower than standard positioned needle runner bearing. Since this piece was either installed lower than usual, or had come loose and fell into a lower position, the bearing was pressing down on the needle bar too much, causing it to bow into a slight U shape once the needle bar was installed in the machine sitting under the runner; because of this, the bar war arching up inside of the cartridge grip causing it to snag on the internals of the grip and requiring the nudge of the give knob to get it going again after stopping.

This was fixed by raising the tensioner wheel and securing it into place so that it was not longer applying excess pressure onto the needle bar and allowing the machine to run upon starting without having to press the give knob and fixing the original problem.

As part of our all over testing we generally try to run each machine overnight to ensure that there are no other issues that could be missed prior to sending back a machine; at this point we noticed that after about 20 minutes there seemed to be a power fluctuation that was causing the machine to speed up and slow down. The same continued when the motor was tested alone, which is when it was opened to find the lubrication that you mentioned. The motor of the machine is not supposed to be lubricated, especially around the shaft, as this can seem down and insulate the brushes of the motor causing the fluctuations that were experienced, which is why we recommended the new motor for the machine.

I apologize for the confusion, and any miscommunication that has happened on our end. We understand that these machines are used for artists to make a living, and never want to intentionally cause delays or make anyone feel as though they have slipped through the cracks or had any concerns that were not addressed.

I will have the service form sent over to you so that you are able to see what I have mentioned, and will ensure that we send it to cosmicpriMate rather than cosmicpriVate as we did before! I’ll also make sure that you receive extra stickers for your tool box as we’ve recently received a bunch of new designs!

Feel free to contact me directly if you have any other questions, or if there is anything else that I am able to do to assist you. My email is [email protected], or you can call the office at 1-855-354-7667