I met the FK headmaster and his right hand (wo)man at the Dortmund convention a few days ago
We had chats about production , service and all what a company goes trough ...
I think if u get at Gaston or K. personally every issue would be resolved.

It's sad to read here how u publicly call a machine crap ...
we are all just humans, and mistakes get made ...

if you grow to a surtain point , it's possible here and there and problems with the products you make , the way you take care of it , is what count's in my book.
and if you don't get a fast responce , pic up a phone and call them ?

PS. If you are a serious tattooer i think u allways need more then 2 machines?

i'm not choosing sides here , but it's allways the same, on every forum i come across , weither it's a bike or car forum ...
things get blown out of proportion

It's easy to complain about stuff , but try to do a better job or even try to do what some do and then you'll see it's not as easy as you may think
