Just want to add that I've had that same inconsistency with V3's; I have two, one is the most amazing B&G machine on the planet, sadly now dying, and another which hits very differently and is better suited to lining or colour shading. Neither of them pack solid colour well at all. I recently had the latter overhauled/repaired by Stigma, posting insured to an obscure Greek Island was extortion, all in all it cost me nearly £200 to have it re-motored and overhauled. Really wasn't worth it, it wasn't my favourite to begin with and it ran very differently again when I got it back. I wished I hadn't bothered and put the money towards a new Cheyenne Hawk or Spektra edge... Not sure I want to go down Spektra route either though as I have 3 halos, and have gone through 2 motor bolts due to overheating and had to replace slider in one...