I have 2 kubin mini cranckers what motor goes in them?
I have 2 kubin mini cranckers what motor goes in them?
why u don' t ask to him ? is a very common square motor
COntact him and he will send you one, most likely. He's never been one to hella mark up his parts, either In fact I have found him to be extremely amicable and VERY fair !
Sidewinders, MC2, Mc 14, MC13, Halo, Lollis, Specific, Diablo. Tried many more
Dan Kubin not sale any motors, if u burn from his machine, u need send him back and him replace for u and charge u like hell, this is the problem, the motors him use are a very common motors that cost couple of dollars but is hard to find , this is the point , better u search on net if u find or some others motor with same size that can fit there, thers no other options if u don't wanna pay 130 dollars , is a bullshit but no chance , sorry
@nivek , did Kubin sale just the motors to u ? u the only one probable, everybody have this problem sound