Quote Originally Posted by Tat2dPinoy View Post
Ok let me give some comparisons between the two now that I've had more time with them.

The Specific comes shipped with a 2.5mm stroke, but with the spring give it has it is more than adequate throw. A 3mm stroke is available, but I can't see that being necessary on this machine. It lines and color packs great, I prefer to open up the give which also increases the stroke, for I believe that give is the secret to lining with rotaries. The drawback to me is that makes the Specific very loud with a long stroke, which some people like. It actually does sound, feel and hit like a coil which to those making the transition from coils will feel very comfortable with it. With the give screw tightened down the stroke is very short (great for black & gray) and it is very quiet while still keeping that coil spring give. One thing I have noticed is there is a good amount of bruising and bleeding with it which is similar to a coil and the healing is similar to a coil.

You also can't go wrong with the Dragonfly's. They are very light, quiet and the needle tensioner is great. I don't really care for the give system, which just seems to loosen the needle bar pin and it just seems to rattle around. I use just a slight give on the DF's

There is a bog down when you press on the give on the Specific exactly like a coil, but it doesn't lose force. I would love to use the Centri and compare the two, I will definitely add that to my collection in the future.

It all comes down to user preference. There isn't a 'one machine does all'. I've used every rotary on the market and I've settled down to my DF short stroke for lining (small groupings) & black and gray, the Specific for lining (large groupings) & color packing, and the Bizarre v2 and Vivace 4.2mm long stroke for color packing & blending. I hope this helps, ask me any questions you may have. I love machine talk and I love this forum for helping me as well
First of all,thank you for your nice machine reports !
You saying :for I believe that give is the secret to lining with rotaries.
I totaly agree !
Since i use the "Whip" my linework gets better !
I get my "Inkjecta" a couple of days ago and i will give it a first try tomorrow !
Inkjecta says to turn the give skrew all the way down for linework,but that make no sence for me because they hit then too hard !
The whip,inkjecta and the centri(witch i dont have) are the only rotary machine they work like a coil machine !
The next days i can say more how i like the "Inkjecta",but yes its pretty loud for a rotray machine !