Hey Guys. Here is a short video I shot on my iPhone the other day when one of my friends wanted to try out the Intuition. She has always been a straight up coil user. However now she is looking at changing over. Since she talks a little bit about her thoughts on it, I thought I would post it here so you guys could check it out. She was running it at 11psi using a 9 curved mag. She also ran a 15 double stack mag with it as well. She hasnt ever used a rotary so thats a little disappointing. I can't wait to get this setup at some conventions so everyone can try it out first, and get their thoughts.http://youtu.be/IonMQwawfY0I'm also going to post these other two videos so everyone can check them out as well.1.*http://youtu.be/x8px-94nDm42.*http://youtu.be/cawaeMvz_h8