i have 2 rapier 's that i got from Carey...awesome machines...
i was told not to lube them cause of the material was used...my machine kept getting a lil louder , and louder..almost sounded like a coil( almost)
one of them would seem to be a tad weak.

so i bit the bullet...i used a touch of lube, from my dragonfly..lubed it like i would my dragonfly also...
its like a new Machine now..its as quiet as dragonfly and hyperV2 ..and feels so strong...i can even run it at a lower voltage, not that lower voltage matters...but you notice a change when you adjust the power.. i know i'm not really putting in words what i mean...its just better.
when i used to have Neuma Hybrids..i was told the same thing..no lube...i cleaned them ,lubed them... it was like a new machine , and very consistent .

Now if this machine had any warranty it might be void, now...but the machine is so awesome now..chances are i wouldnt send it in for repairs, any ways ..i'd just buy a new machine .