You can post videos in any section they are relevant to, if its regarding technique there are multiple sections to choose from. If it doesn't fit anywhere else you are welcome to drop it in off topic.

You can link and embed videos on the site but uploading them to somewhere would be your own responsibility. The little filmstrip button in the tool bar will allow you to add a link to a video so it can be watched right in a thread. If you are concerned about what the public can view the majority of the site is already locked down as it is and if you are pulling videos from you tube or vimeo they are easy for people to find online anyway.

As far as a donation button... this has been discussed, a lot. Right now we want to keep things simple and I don't like to put a hat out until we would actually need it. That said we do plan on running some site merch down the line. We have been very generously donated server space and would like to sell a little merch to make money to do something nice for Jon the guy who manages the server this site lives on. This way everyone gets something and no one will feel like they are owed special treatment.

That said Alie's birthday is coming up in November so if anyone wants to send her a birthday card PM me I will send you her address.