Many machine builders are small entities they are not multinational corporations. They don't lobby corrupt government electorates to further their agendas. If corporate evil is the argument then what about a whole country, running off the same principle of multinational corporations?

Your corporate argument is flawed my friend. Ask the machine builders on this forum if they are a large multinational corporation, or if they are trying to put food on their table for their families. Ask them if they hire local workers and create jobs in their communities.

There are some that probably do outsource to china and they know who they are, pick up their machine and run it you will too. Being able to tattoo well with anything is a moot point, its a conscience clearing self justification for taking food out of the tattoo communities mouth. I am starting to be glad that I am unable to tattoo any longer, the community used to be tight knit and respectful of one look at it. It's a shameful disgrace in it's current state, it's become another meme, thanks to media, DIY kits, and some idiots that don't care about who they bring into the tattoo family as long as you have 5k and two weeks to spare. I am starting to think the scratcher community is closer to original tattooing and it's roots, because they are hungry, eager to learn, tight knit, risk everything just to tattoo, and would give their left nut or ovary to get an apprenticeship at a legit street shop...and that's sad.

I don't know man it sucks to feel this way...sorry for the rant, I just miss the true grit and root of what tattooing used to be. I hate seeing the trade turn into: psychologist with a tattoo machine, and a bunch of hipster idiots that don't deserve to touch a machine, much less be tattooed by one ruining a once sacred trust. All of you that hold that trust and the craft passed to you in high regard and keep it's roots...I salute you.

I suppose shattering the myth that everyone gets tattooed not just outlaws and criminals has been helpful in someways, but destructive as well in how it's watered down and divided the community...that's why I wish I was still able to tattoo, so I could be one of those that proudly hold up the banner of my tattooing fore-fathers legacy with respect, determination and lasting integrity. Not one of those sorry sacks of crap that exploit the industry for a passing buck.