Quote Originally Posted by joelhague View Post
I always make sure its in correctly, needles on the bottom, im not sure there might be a problem with my bishop then because i just tried it with like 4 dif needles and tubes, and no matter what , without the bend on the needle bar, the needle flops around, like when i pull the mag backwards it lifts right out of the back of the tube and stays lifted does not snap back to the back of the tube, with the bend it works fine... the other thing i noticed is the needle is not dead centre in the middle of the tube... if you look at the machine from the front it is centered front to back , but on the left to right it is slightly to the left , not dead centre :S and i tried this with several new needles thinking maybe the bend i put it in made it like this but its def not the bend everyone sat the same way...
One thing to consicer is that the bend is mandatory since the needle cliop holds it in place you have to slightly bend the needle bar and also slightly bend the needle also. This is the best way to ensure that it will ride smooth even if the tube is slightly bent.