Quote Originally Posted by joelhague View Post
ok so this is my first machine with a needle clip instead of bands, i guess you HAVE to bend your needlebars eh? i never did before as my artist doesnt do it ... but today i was like wtf is up with my machine and it was my mag floppin around in the tube the clip doesnt really hold it secure without this bend? correct me if im doing something wrong? didnt notice it at first as i was using a round tube that kept the liner pretty snug

and hey ya thanks for the tip i will check out the tubing i saw that in another post somewhere
First, make sure your needle wasn't in there upside down by accident. Sometimes I do that, and my needle flops around. You shouldn't need to bend the needle like you would with a coil machine. If you bend it at all, just a very slight bend closer to the needles than in the middle should work.

Sometimes the types of disposable tubes you use can also have an effect. I find that with some of them, I have to put my needles in upside-down (with the bar on the bottom) and use a slight bend the opposite way I usually do it. Otherwise, the needles sit funny towards the top of the tube.