If you do not already have tapatalk it will work on just about every mobile device. The choice to ad this over a few others took some though and planning. The good is we know it works on just about every mobile device including the ipad. The downside is it will cost you about $3 to download it and install it on your phone or tablet. Sorry, there where other options that would have made it free for you but would have cost us money we don't really have and would rather be spending on other upgrades we still want to make. The current version kind sucks, I will admit since the forum skin and style sheets are a little long in the tooth for right now. I will upgrade this as we get the rest of the forum upgraded down the line.

If you use apple go to the itunes store and download tapatalk
If use android go to the android marketplace and download tapatalk
If you use blackberry go to the appstore and download tapatalk

After you down load it search for the forum by putting in "rotary tattoo forum" and tell it you wanna log in. Tapatalk is pretty easy to learn, If you have technical issues please let me know but some things are beyond me and mean you have to complain to tapatalk if you don't like it. We don't make a cent on this app the small company that programmed the app make most of the $3 you pay for it. Bonus is if you are on other forums many of them have this installed so if your into cars, motorcycles, cats, dogs whatever you might find other forums to browse with this app.