I got this client that has a pretty bad tattoo (I live in Costa Rica, the MAJORITY of the tattoos here are bad tattoos). He wants it covered and he really wants a cross. The cross covers most of his old tat, but not all of it. I need something I can put around the cross to cover the old tat and still give him a nice tat. I've included a picture of his tat and two of my cross sketches.

img087.jpgimg088.jpgVictors tat.jpg

The center of the cross will be solid black, the outside rim will either be graywash or actual gray with black to shade with in order to make sure teh old tat doesn't show through as well.

The canvas is anywhere above the thorn arm band. Thats what I have to work with. Once the cross is laid on the skin, only the clouds, Harley logo, and parts of the bird's wings will show outside of the cross.

I like the wave idea, but not much else comes to mind for the top half of the background and I fear that traditional windbars will make the overall tattoo way too dark (black cross, black background).
I also like the Peonies surrounding the cross and think it would look really pimp, but I don't think the client would go for it at all because it would be too "girly."

I would appreciate any input or suggestions for helping this guy get something worth being proud of.