Oh good, I'm glad to see Eikon's contest going now. I only did 50 of those last year for Durb. Doing another 50 for this years Hell City show with different artwork and stuff......and yeah I'll put my little squiggle on them too. Not that my signature is worth much of anything.....

The brass machines are going to be limited at first and the project started with Nick Chaboya. I am making a run for him that will have his signature on the side along with a few other touches that should set it off nicely. His machine will only be available in 3.5mm and with clipcord pegs. And his pegs are machined differently and they were going to be brass but the copper suggestion was thrown out and I thought "wow, that could be cool" so maybe copper. I spoke with Nick and he seems down with the idea. See, I pay attention to you guys!

Watch for NIX this June and come see Nick.

And the brass thing......my guys HATE brass. The brass gets everywhere! and the slivers and shards are terrible! We would much rather machine stainless than brass. I really need a couple of machines to do just brass and nothing else. I had this one job that ran for more than a year making these oil manifolds for some big company.......thousands of these stinking things. And the chips were tiny and sharp and got everywhere.....so I had to listen to a bunch of whiny babies. And now I say brass and....ARGGG. so I did these to show them it wasn't so bad, right.....I picked shards for a day.

But back to the brass machine......it weighs 6.8 ounces. My original NeoTats weighed 5.7 oz and I have reduced them down to 5.5 oz in later years. The Vivace in phono jack weigh 4 oz.