2012-04-25_22-06-39_398.jpgOK so it looked like this machine was going to be a bit bulky so when i opened the package today I was amazed to see its size!!! I was in the middle of a 5 hour session when the post man delivered the package so I tore down my thunder and set up the Nick's. I used Cheyenne chartidges and a Ttech tube. And k gotta say they ran really similar to the thunder only the Nick's is quieter its a bit heavier but in a good way. I did some BS letters and whatnots after that and then put in 5 hours on a black and grey chest piece I've been working on. This machine worked awesome for me all day, ran it around 10 hours straight tattooing all day with a mix of Cheyenne/ttech cartridges and Ttech tubes. Got a booked week and weekend coming up I prolly won't pick up another machine for a while. Ill write a bit more when i get the feel for the machine even more. Sorry for the rambling post ....