I got a Stealth in June, and I liked it, but a few weeks ago I stepped up to the Stigma Hyper. Wow!!! I really, really love it. It allows me to tattoo in ways I didn't think I would be able to. Smoother grey shades than I ever thought I could do and super smooth colour blends which were beyond my grasp before I purchased this machine. I really notice a difference. Not to mention that it's light, quiet, faster and my clients say it hurts less (but that might be their imaginations).

I have a client that I've been doing a fairly large dragon on. It goes across her stomach and covers a scar. This woman isn't young and she has spent years and years at the tanning salon. Tattooing her was like tattooing linoleum or something. When I tried the Hyper on her, it was like a dream. I had no problems putting the ink in!

I haven't actually used it for lining yet, but I probably should give that a whirl.

So far I have found the Hyper to be worth every penny it costs. If the machine keeps working the way it has been, I can't see myself going back to coils for colour or black and grey.