Quote Originally Posted by Dan Kubin View Post
It's more of a matter of how high you turn it up.. The motors I use have a standard rpm of about 7,000, but can spin faster without doing any damage. The motors are rated for 10. I have found that most tattooers who like to run them fast go at about 8.. Which is pretty fast. I notice that the heal time is longer when you have them cranked up too fast.. Even if you are efficient.
There is also the way it hits and cycles that can effect how fast you work. I have found that with machines with no give, you have to work harder to get the needles in. Too much give, and they are not going in either.
How the machine dampens is another story.
Thanks for the reply Dan. It's interesting what you said about the ease of use and effectiveness of machines w/ no give. Interesting because you're Mini Crankers have no give but they're recommended for liners (and otherwise) so often on this forum and hailed for their ease of use. And I agree about the heal time, I've been slowing down a little as of late.

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