G'day Guys,
I'm Bel from Brisbane. I started tattooing with coils, which I found to be too heavy and cumbersome for my smaller (girly) hands. I first apprenticed with a cosmetic tattooist (who also did small decorative tattoos) using swash drives. I loved and still love the light weight, low noise and reliable nature of the Gen 6, so I bought one without delay. I am now working at Extreme Ink in Logan Central, where the boys all use primarily coil machines (I'm trying to convert them ). My DH (Darling Husband) bought me the Gen 7 as soon as it was released and shortly after purchased the Dragon-fly which I am in love with! My current mentor also adores the dragonfly even though he swears by coil machines. I'm glad to have found a forum devoted to rotaries, especially one where the members all seem to be so forth-coming with information and support.
Looking forward to some great discussions, support and feedback,
Derby Bel