I haven't tried the latex glove thing in the cartridge yet. but i will today.
so far no major flaws on the prototypes. and with these final versions i got most of the smaller details sorted out.
It will only run ttech cartridges.
The tension on ttech's is way less than the hawk cartridges and allows me to use a smaller lighter motor. Keeping the upper body pretty light.
i am working a different cam system for another motor that will push hawk cartridges at the moment..

the grip does screw in/out to adjust the depth of the needle.
it is a 4mm standard stroke. (thats is total stroke length, not what the needle can stick out)
This makes the Hard machine it a really good all around machine for lining/solid color to soft grey wash.
The softer version is geared more towards softer realism and soft black and grey type work.

I am excited to have this project in the final stages after almost 2 years and having countless issues with the production of it.
I feel the quality of this machine can compete with some of the big players in the game, and being a machine hoarder myself i felt the need to go for quality on this.
Thanks to everyone for interest in my machine.
Rick S.