Quote Originally Posted by spoonertattoos View Post
It's bothersome your post stating "I'm ready" while people such as myself have been waiting almost a month for our machines.
Did not mean to make you think that I would send FkIrons one immediatly as I wouldnt be able to do so. I think all your complaints are perfectly valid and I cant argue with you. We have been getting more orders than we can take due to the rotary popularity but lets not forget that I have been part of the reason why they are popular. I have been pushing rotaries for over 13 years in seminars, blogs and convention circuits. I have convinced people like nikko, Roman and chuey quintanar as well as hundreds of others to give this a try and anyone that knows me would agree. Shit I remember over 10 years ago people laughing at my rotary machines thinking they were a joke and that they had the wisdom I was lacking, but I knew that rotary machines were the truth!! So dont kill me just yet. Please also understand that everyone who orders a machine does in fact get one and at the most its been 6 weeks or so wait but any builder will agree with me that its alot more work than one will ever know and sometimes there are many unhexpected delays.. I guess no one remembers how it was back in the day when you ordered something from sears and had to wait 8 weeks or more.. I guess everyone wants their shit asap nowadays no questions asked..Its a shame to hear people bash on customer service while others praise it..Reason is that we cannot humanly respond to everyone in a timely manner at the moment but we work 60 hours a week to try and take care of the 50 daily emails and 45 other messages from social networks as well as customer inquiries from orders.. Nevertheless I hear your complaint and respect your words. As of this coming week we will not be taking any new orders until we catch up..Its strange to think that some people think builders do this on purpose..I have heard of builders selling machines and never sending them, but I assure all my customers that my pride and dignity wouldnt ever do that. Everyone that orders gets what they ordered..and is it really to the death to have to wait a few more weeks? Am I wrong in saying this?