The internals are refined and all inconsistancies have been illiminated, the foam has been replace with a silicone O ring and its maintanance is little to none now. If it does need oil you do not have to open it up to apply a drop simply add a drop onto either side of the machine where the axel is exposed. The light will shine through a plastic bag with little distortion depending on how you bag it or what type of cover your using. Most artist dont bag there lights just the machine, and clean there lights with madacide. That is one of the main reasons the light can fold back so artist who dont care for it or prefer to bag there machines wont be bothered by it. Its a accessory not really a necessity. They will be available in a few months. Im shooting for January but would really like to get them out before xmas.

*Skinmech- The foam suppression washer was never a biohazard issue, Its washable and even autoclavable but its internal or recessed, how is a internal component any danger to contamination to your client? If that part was to be contaminated thats not a manufacture defect thats called not being careful. But shit happens and thats why its there to prevent your motor from getting any direct contact with bio hazardous fluids. I will admit there was alot of flaws in the begining of the Centri's journey around the world, but thanks to our users we have nailed all of them out. Im sorry your experience was not what others are experiencing with the Centri. First thing Jcarlton told me out of the gate, "Its impossible to please everyone" Which i understood then and fully agree with now.

But that doesnt mean i cant stop trying!!!

*FK - I will send you a pic of the tension wheel in its raw form and you will get a better understanding. Its alittle confusing to put into words. But this component also took over the job as the stroke adjuster aswell. HUGE IMPROVMENT! i will admit the previous stroke adjuster was not a good design at all and was a big factor in the centri's inconsistant performance when the user would try to use it to make adjustments. I will call you later and go over it with you. Maybe get your oppinion on its design.

Thanks everyone for the compliments! More pics to come with light extended with a full setup to understand it better.