I have not been on the forum for many months …. have so many things going on in my life that just does not allow me the time to sit in front of a computer and chat, but this was brought to my attention and that I should look into this post, and fact is…. this issue has been a thorn in my craw for over a week now.
First I want say that the motor and crankwheels are balanced together on each and every motor assembly. We could just slap the cranks on the motors and be done with it, but I have found that the tiny balancing “magic” makes a difference in the running smoothness. Maybe some artists can’t feel the difference, but I can and I WILL NOT, I repeat…..will not lower my standards and just slap them together….end of story. This is all about the quality of my product and when in the past when we offered the crankwheels for sale individually it caused more problems than not. I use a thread locker on the screws because I don’t want them rattling loose and where some of the screws can be removed by the customer, many cannot and the results at times have been a real mess. So to retain the quality of my machines, we don’t sell the parts separately…..end of story.
I am sorry if offends people that we won’t sell this part, but that is MY policy on the matter. And if you think that it’s about money…..you are so wrong. In fact, my “Bean Counter” does not like my price of the motor cartridge assembly because “our” profit is too low on that product. Well, I set the price and it stands….and when I am told that we need to raise the price of the machines….I say no!
Now, some may not realize that I have worked on my NeoTats for many years now, 9, and I have continually made new developments to the machines in order to keep making my machines better…. I am my toughest customer…..that’s the way it is. So I hope many of you can appreciate the time I have put toward a good product.
So now the personal side…… When a customer who calls a company only to find a part is not available for sale, that person may be disappointed or even mad, but that is the way it is.
Here we have a customer who purchased a used machine and contacted us about changing the stroke length to a longer stroke and he did not want to purchase a motor cartridge and does not want to send the machine back to us…..he just wants to buy the crankwheel and do it himself and was told the part is not a replacement part.
Same customer spends more than a week via email not taking no for an answer but only getting pushier, that is not a customer service problem….in fact our customer service continued to politely communicate with this person…..but the answer was the same…..the part is not for sale. And when this person does not believe the end product’s quality of balance is the reason we don’t sell the part….and still will not take no for an answer…..this is not a customer service problem. And when this person still is going to get this part no matter what and can balance the part on his own and wants to know how we balance…. and we will not tell him how it is done…. he then goes on to say he does not believe that we actually balance the assembly and says it is all about money……this is not a customer service problem.
I am offended when anyone of my team is called a liar via email or forum or whatever…… You are calling me a liar!
Now I don’t care how entitled a person may think they are that I should tell them exactly how we do our balancing “magic” or how we make a part work…..It is my technical, my proprietory information and maybe I don’t need to share that knowledge. I share a lot more information than most…..and probably more that I should, but some things are kept secret.
And I don’t give a rat’s ass if “magic” is not a proper technical term…..it’s what I call it…..and I’m sticking with it!