Quote Originally Posted by hellraiser6662 View Post
That is how I see it though are media of the USA, all we get is news stories and dodgie films, how you lot cope with alien invasions and mass zombie out breaks, and get on with daily life I just dont know. (thats a joke, a little English sarcasm). Plus as we have talked about this before we see Americans as fat,loud and every thing they have done is bigger and better! It must have stemmed from the ww2, when you won are European war for us lazy British hahaha(sarcasm again) oh I have to point out sarcasm and jokes here in England, we all know you just dont get English humor and are use of the English language ( the clues in the words, joke again). Plus 'i'm dyslexic so I'm using my phone to spell things out, and I'm not good with putting things I think to paper, so if a sound a idiot thats because I am on the written word. Haha, but you got to think all we see over here about Americans is nothing but guns and shootings like today on the news a gun battle in Vegas!! So it makes me think not for me! Guns are good for one thing and it's not picking your nose with. It's scary to think anybody can have a gun and just use it. Ok people going to chirp up and say we have guns in the UK and how bad it is, but I come from a rural town in rural land, we dont have gangs, lots of drugs though and we are on the east coast so alot get though, and we use guns to shoot deer, pheasant, rabbits,Fox's ,rats and anything small and a animal/bird haha (joke). Buts it's forums like this that break down these stigmas and tell it how life is realy like and not to be swayed what the media would like us to think of each other.

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I think the big problem is in what you just said. MEDIA! They show you what they want you to see. When the Cold War was going on the media had me thinking (as a child) that ALL Russian people are "bad communist" that wanted all of us Americans dead. Then when I grew up & met some Russians that were kids @ the same time, they pretty much said the same thing to me. It's all about the worlds "leaders" not being able to sit down & talk something out, & then using their people to duke it out. This media is meant to keep us divided, that way our governments can continue to control people. I think that is the reason some people are so agains gun control in the US. They feel as though the next step will be the government slowly but surely controlling everybody & having no way of defending against it. Which is what the 2nd amendment is all about.