Looks like ink machines is pushing that boundary on what artists are willing to pay for a good machine, I paid 600 usd for my inkjecta specific 3 would I do it again...yes in fact I did lol I have 2. Would I pay 650 for a new dragonfly? No, so I don't believe I would pay 780 on a stingray based on the dragonfly. It would have to be one hell of an amazing machine and when you put it solely in the liner/packer category you are competing with Dan, which is very very hard to do machine wise for anyone, and then his price points for crankers, mc's and dd's? Yeah I will support the guy making machines one by one for tattoo artists not just for the money way before I support a 780 price tag and for what? Add up the price in parts of the stingray and tell me they aren't in it for the money, look at how much time and effort they put into the wicked awesome new body style...yeah no, I will let someone else shell out the clams for this.