hi everyone,

im a tattoo artist for almost 10 years and the last months i purchased 3 rots to try.the thing is i dont have a clue about rotarys and i think i made wrong choices about them because of that.in my research i ve noticed that all brands claim that they are all in one.lining shading and colorpacking.i dont think so.mine are the swissmade wich has a maxon motor if i remember well 8000rpm and manual says 5-7 volts for lining shading and colorpacking.(doesnt work in my hands with those speeds for neither of its uses.more like 9-11v but im afraid if i break it so its in the drawer sitting)the other one is swallow by lauro paolini again maxon motor 11000rpm,wich i found better from my coils for color packing,and the first one i bought is a whip swashdrive that i bought cheap( because it was used for display) for 200 gbp that turned out a knock off according to the manufacturer.(small details on frame that it was impossible to know).i also tried a friends dragonfly witch again is all in one but i found it good only for shading.lining and cp with any adjustment is very poor.
So the help i need is a) how can i tell or choose a machine if its a (or good for ) liner shader or cp and b)any advice for the ones i have?especially swallow.

for coils i have a lot of knowlage,and i know what to look or ask for.please explain or give me sides to study that can help me answer my questions.please dont just throw a few brands and say this is for this this is for that go and try those because it will not help.its like saying this is an F16 one of the top choises ,go fly it!!!!i will crush because i dont know its functions and REAL abilities, not just marketing talk on a paper.
Manufacturers dont get insult and hit me with stuff like my machine does it all.yes it may does but then again i can make a line with an aaron caine shader,but will it make the same job as an aaron c. liner?no it wont,and by all means this is not my intention.
i thank everyone in advance and i congratulate the ones responsible for this forum.