Hi folks. Hear is my problem . Hear gose.

I use Kuro Sumi and mix my own washes in bottles 1/4 and 1/2 mix with WitchHazel. As ive progresed I find my miix is to dark and my 1/4 mix should probably be my dark for shading.

BUT . . . . . . I find Witch Hazel will not susspend my ink for long (the pigment sinks to the botom quick)

Sooooo . . . What would you find mixes best with pigment and what mix would you use to slowly build your shades. . . . . . . But I like KuroSumi.

Also . . . . . . .

Ive been scrubbing my shading in instead of whipping. I quite like this style but I find often it leavs two lines on the sideward motion of the circle motion ? ? ? ? Duz that make sence folks ?

All the help would be very very very welcome.