I recently picked up an Ego in a trade and I'm very intrigued by it and like it thus far. I have seen some good talk on here about it and got some good information. However what I haven't seen anywhere is a comprehensive chart or listing of different color combinations and uses for the different grades of rubber triangles from someone more experienced with this machine. Anyone on here been using one for longer than a week want to put together a simple but helpful list to go over the combinations they've found useful and the applications they used them for?

Lining with 5-7 rds
soft black and grey
solid black work
color blending
color packing
larger mags
and any other applications I may have left out.

thus far I've only used it as a liner to push 7 rounds using the black triangle on the bottom and the blue up top with moderate success. I may attempt to use a softer top triangle and tinker around more when I get a chance.
