I received my Amoeba Designs Direct Drive in the mail last Wednesday and it was Christmas morning. Chris always takes the time to package them nicely. It was wrapped in foam paper inside a machine box surrounded by bubble wrap inside another box. All 6 of my machines and the other 5 that my employees have bought have all been wrapped this good. I got mine carved and oil dipped but Chris also does carved and powdercoated in a multitude of colors.

I have had the pleasure of using two of Chris' linkage machines so using a direct drive actually kinda scarred me at first. When I opened the box I found two sheets of instructions including pictures (thank god for pictures). The instructions go over recommended machine voltage, which way to hook up your clip cord, how to lube and care for and how to bend your needle bar. Even a few troubleshooting suggestions if you should have a problem.

As per Chris' recommendation I grab a tube and needle and started playing with needle bend and tube setup. Based on what his instructions say I got my needle bar bent properly after the second try and there was no spitting. The rubberband spike is not only functional but cool looking. At first figuring out rubberband tension and how many and needle bend was a little funky but after once or twice of doing it is became pretty mindless.

The first tattoo I did with it I used it as a liner with a 5rlb from needle jig and HOLY SHIT BATMAN!!!! Insta lines. They just fly in with very little effort. I find I run it at 5.4 to line with. With all rotary lining it is all in stretch but damn does it do lines. I feel like I can line almost as fast as a coil machine with it but there is no guessing so in turn I think it is faster.

The next tattoo I set it up with TTechs and man o man amazing again. It really pushed them well and I believe it pushes them better than my linkage rotaries due to no stay up spring or extra weight of the a bar it is pulling.

To complete my testing with it I put a 13 curved mag from needle jig in it and pack color it does. I find it packs really well around 5-5.4. I turned it down to 4.4-4.6 and it would blend as well as anything else in my top drawer. image.jpg