ditto on that ^^.-I do now about patents and yes I realize that they paid the money and took other peoples ideas to make their product and to lock it up with patents etc. And they have the money to enforce it in a court of law. I dont agree with it as there is tons of people that have invented stuff and just because they dont have a shit load of money to pay someone they don't get any were with it and don't have the ability to sue everyone. We all know of a some companies that did that and it caught up with them. Cheyenne them shelf seen how popular the t-tech grips were and stole that idea. All I see is Cheyenne is a big company that does not even tattoo and just jumped on the wagon as they had the money to do so and combined ideas that were all ready in place such as using a directdrive machine with a rod.That idea was done years ago by alot of uk machines. I would say the only original part of it would be the grip it shelf which was poorly made at first. Infact the depth of the machine at first was very shallow/weak, yet they tried to market it to tattooers as a all in one that was better then any thing out there-it was only after getting enfo from tattooers that there machine was made to work better in all aspects of tattooing.