Hi, my name is santos.
My story is, I have been tattooing on my own since I was 15 now 34. I have never had a proper apprenticeship. I started tattooing my friends in Los Angeles when a brother of one of my friends got out of prison. He liked my drawings so he showed me how to build a tattoo machine with a bic pen and a walk-man motor.
Since then it has been a long ride in the art world. I moved to Colorado then to Florida. I worked for Sight Line studios as a painter and sculptor were we designed theme parks, casinos and museums. I moonlighted doing tattoos for friends. Art, tattoos and brass have continued to be my passion. I moved to Colorado were I have been the last 7 years. I decided to go pro with the needles and invested in some better equipment 5 years ago. Holy crap what a change. I literlly fell in love with tattooing more but still was learning on my own.
Then found out that my neighbor was working at Think Twice Tattoo were he was an apprentice. They were hireing artists, so he asked to come in and tryout for the position. Well, needless to say, I finally got my foot in the door.
I was very excited that, Loco, who is the owner and an established tattoo artist for 15 years, was impressed with the tat2s I've been doing without an apprenticeship.
I have now been with Think Twice Tattoos since June of 2010. I'm living my dream thanks to Loco and his wife Victoria.

Well thats my story, one you may have heard before but mine nevertheless, I love everybody's work and will continue to visit this sight regularly to continue being inspired. Thank you for your inspiration!