1. WWT is the dogshit of the industry. Worldwide Tattoo Supply is a scratcher's paradise with many knockoffs.

2. "Vincent" is the English name of an asian tattoo artist that is friends with the owner of WWTS. He has no clue how to make a tattoo machine. WWT got the idea that they needed a tattoo artist's name attached to their knockoffs so it sounds more legitimate. Hence you have "Vincent". I met him at a convention mind you and he has not fuckin clue how to tune a machine or understand the mechanics. It's all smoke screen folks.

3. The new rotary machine is a Frankenstein. It looks like they took the pistons from the dragonfly for the back, stigma vice knob, dragonfly needle tensioner, Workhorse rotary frame concept, a few coil machine parts and put together a ridiculous machine and slapped "Vincent" (read section2).

4. NEVER BUY FROM WWTS. I doubt they even sterilize their needles and tubes. One of their old employees made such an announcement before it was taken down somewhere else.