These will just be her daily runners...she'll also be learning how to build from scratch ...I'm a firm believer that knowledge is the key. It seems that a lot of apprenticeships today consist of "where you should buy this or that..." as an example, she'll be learning to make her own needles, and will use nothing else but ones that she has made for the first 6 months of her tattooing...for no other reason but I believe an artist should know exactly what constitutes a well made needle from experience, not just someone having told her "these are the best". Granted, if later an apprentice of mine decides that they rather buy premades and put the energy used in making a needle into the actual art, that's cool...but she'll have the knowledge.

Believe me, she'll NEED to know how to build and tune a machine...I'm that dick that will schedule an appointment an hour early only to have an apprentice find their machine in pieces...nah, I'd never do that Olivia!