and right angle ones?
and right angle ones?
Owner/Artist @ Zodiac Tattoo Studio
Just got one of these from Barber DTS, only £16 it's excellent.
Been using one of these now for a couple months. Absolute best cord I have ever owned by a long shot. Great job on this!!
franco any tips, as i have one of your rca cords from barber dts in uk for couple weeks now, i like everything about it except it comes of the rca plugs on my machines pretty easily one is a hyper v3 other is a vivace which messes with the connection especially on the hyper
I concur, a fine cord indeed but it does seem to be loosing its grip and vibrating off a little.
give the end a GENTLE pinch with some pliers
I find that sliding a thin piece of plastic between the metal "prongs" that slide over the female rca jack and the housing that you grab to push the cord on and pull it off, is a much better fix than pinching the metal prongs. If you do it right, it can actually make it better than new.
Im still dumbfounded as to why the prongs arent machined with a small v bend in the middle of them, with a matching groove in the female rca jack to match, kind of like what makes the click when you use a 1/4 phone jack. I have some ideas for indestructable power cords, maybe i can incorporate this concept into the design if i ever get the time and gumption to go through with making it.
Last edited by S_Trofatter; 12-02-2015 at 07:03 PM.