Did not find a specific thread that talks about this topics so here you go.

My Take: clip cords worked for me until I realized that RCA is a much more stable connection (as there are no parts swinging against the contacts), smaller and easier to bag. That alone, makes me never look back at clip cords.
Also RCA allows a cleaner design of a Rotary Machine.

However I know that there are some "die hard clip cord fans "that may prefer them for many reasons. One of them, is the fact that clip cords can swing and articulate while moving your hands in different angled positions.

Angled RCA solve that problem but they can be bulky as well.
I have to say that I haven't seen and RCA that is perfect.

I've been experimenting with mono jacks lately and really like the lack of weight and how streamlined most monojack cables are.
Whats your take on this subject.