im getting angry/upset at the fact that every tattoo i do in colour looks fucking horrid to me when its fresh, mucky, bloody and a lot of highlights just blend in until healed.
i can't get the almost healed look at the end of a session like i see others can, it doesn't matter if i use curved or m1's, give, more or less depth than usual, or even tryna slow down....that results me just going back to a very fast hand speed that i have.
I'd do consider myself fast, probs the quickest out of 9 of us in our studio. they all say I'm brutal... and need the least amount of touch ups.
its defo my technique, I'm wondering what anyone on here can advise me on, I'm self taught with no coil machine experience, so rotary always apart from lining.
i know overworking the skin causes this and i can tell when I've gone heavier than normal, but can't seem to pull away from it when i do.
its really getting to me as i have my second convention coming up in march and i don't want to feel paranoid about this.

anybody????????? thanks.