What pigments are you using? Could you post an example of a tattoo you're unhappy with?
I'm also a very quick tattoo artist. I use to kinda have the same issue about 7-8 yrs ago. Tattoos would look good healed. Just could never get a good photo when fresh.
Do you ride to tube a lot, and do line the needle up flush with the tube? What size mag do you use most commonly?
For me. I'm as basic as it gets. I like 7m and 15rm. I use to use a big variety. This is just what works for me.
I use a 7m most. I find it works well for color and BNG. I like the long taper. When I'm packing color. I will lightly ride the tube, working in small tight circular motion. Or in a scrubbing back and fourth motion. Then as I want the edge the be softer I work more of the tip.
When i can still see the pores of the skin but still have a nice field of color over it. It heals nicely.
If the skin is all red and pissed off. It could be that your irritating it by moving your hand speed too fast. Or if your tubes have a sharp edge in the tip, that could also cause it.
I still use metal tubes.
This is just my .02 and what works for me.
Oh and stroke length I like 4mm for lining. And I like 3-3.5 for color. 2.5 for bng.
I use mostly fusion colors.

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