Ive searched the forum and only found 1 post with sort of the same problem from 3 years ago, so apologies if this has been answered elsewhere.

Just got a HM la Pinta and used it all day yesterday. It seems too noisy but I am comparing it to my La Santa Maria (which is pretty much silent). I have no complaints with its tattooing performance, i'm just concerned that I could fuck it up completely if I keep running it as it is.

Recommended voltage is 5 - 8.5, I was using it at 7 - 7.5 on the hardest hit. going from hard to soft made no difference. Reducing volts does lessen the noise but as I was within the recommended volts I thought there may be something wrong.

Could it just be that it is louder because it has an adjustable hit?

Thanks in advance for any ideas.