Thinking of the cons... Honestly the only Con I can say is that mmmmmmaybe it just won't 'fit' with you. I've only been using rotaries for a couple years now, but when I took the plunge I purchased a bunch of different ones because like pretty much all of us, I am a finicky bastard when it comes to tattoo equipment. We all know we can grab any machine really and make lines and shading with them, but we just get to the point where we find what we like and stick with it.

I tried many different rotaries that are incredibly well built, but just weren't "me". I have to say I WANTED to like the Cheyenne Thunder, but the lack of any real flexibility behind it just didn't sit right with me (along with having to use either a proprietary power supply or that stupid cord with a fucking brick of circuitry on it). The Edge X blows the Thunder out of the water. I will not hesitate to recommend it to you, I seriously doubt you will will dislike it unless you fill it with epoxy or cat sand before you use it haha