Help me decide! Its new machine time. Im buying one of these to use mainly as a liner. I've done just about all the web crawling I can to gather info. I like that the whip has been around for years now, looks really adjustable on the fly. I also like that I have never seen a cutback whip on tattoo gear for sale. I like the price too 400$ and some change direct from swash. I have also seen some amazing work done with the whip.
As far as the sidewinder goes I like that it was designed to be used specifically as a liner, its metal, and made in my own country. But, I see them for sale all the time and I haven't seen any tattoos done with them that have really made me feel like it must make the work any easier. I have also heard that they take constant adjustment to keep in tune. But I hear so many praises sang for them!!
Its so hard to decide!
Any advice is greatly appreciated.
Oh, and my usual liner needles range from 4's up to loose 8's and a rare loose 11. Im not trying to use "14s on everything like a sharpie"