In all fairness I have had every centri going. 2 gen 1, 2 gen 2, cobra, cobra 2s, evader, 12v and 9v and I have never come close to burning out a motor. These are my go to machines everyday. I've had some wiring break and in all fairness the early Centris did have issues, but the new models are amazing. I even love the cobra removable magnet for use
with carts. And with the evader just pop on an elastic band to counteract tension if needs. If we only every trusted things off of the first or second model it would be crazy. Things develop constantly and technology gets better everyday. I can only highly recommend these machines, it may take a while to get use to them as they are not your standard rotary machines, but when you give them a chance they will become go to machine! Mikes customer service is always top notch too, considering the amount of shit you have to deal with tattooing alone, then machine building, developing, shipping.... blah blah. Anyways I'm rambling, my point being, if I look at the first tattoo I ever did and judged me by that, man, I'd never tattoo again. People develop and progress, as do machines. The currently models I highly recommend. Different stroke for different folkes and all that, but I mean these have all the strokes. Def worth trying out.