Well I've been applying my 10 years experience of building coil machines to rotaries and I'm quite close to being very happy. I have a few minor tweeks in frame dimension for the tube vice and positioning of the spring seat so I can add an RCA hole for plugs along with the clipcord binders but other than that I am digging these so far. I designed the frames so I can carve the heck out of everything and also change designs easily so that each machine can be very one off like my coil machines. I am doing all of the work myself from cutting to milling to carving, etc...each frame starts out as 5 pieces. I made a jig to weld them together and alter the dimensions easily if I want to try something new or even try different motors. These are weighing in between 4.2 ounces for the smaller motor to 5.2 ounces for the bigger motor. The smaller motor cycles similar to a coil liner which was my intention to try to make a dedicated liner cause I haven't liked lining with a rotary much so far. Runs hard at 3 volts. The bigger motor is smooth and super quiet and packs in color at 7.5 volts. Here's a few pics...More pictures can be seen on my Facebook profile by clicking the link under the pictures below. I'm having a lot of fun with these!
