It arrived yesterday, this is it.............
It has 4mm stroke and today I used it for line on 2 Tattoos, 3 needle and a 5 needle. What can I say-it's gorgeous to use ,I have never been so satisfied with a machine on the first day of use. It's light and really well balanced and so devoid of sound and vibration,totally unagressive, yet lovely effortless one pass lines. I can't wait for a situation where I need a really big line, i.e 14s as the machine is renowned for even making that effortless. The other thing was that both of my clients have had much previous Tattooing from me, and both commented this was the most comfortable lining they had felt.
There are many fine crank style rotaries out there, but Dan has some how just found a totally winning formula with this machine.
Dan-a big thank you to you mate, marks out of 10? 10 and I'm being honest.