So, I managed to get one of these babies.

woah sexy pic IMG-20120302-00044.jpg

All I can say is wow. Have not had a huge chance to use it yet. I literally only had one little tattoo (someone's house key with a chemical formula on it) that I had a chance to use it on. It's a long stroke machine. I used it for lining. It's amazing how the brass really absorbs every last little vibration (or so it seems to me).


It is brass, so yes, it's heavy(ish) when compared to the other Vivace machines, but it really doesn't weigh much more than an average coil machine. To use it for lining was a breeze - it had some really nice balance behind it. That is occasionally a problem I find with some machines. When they are too light, they are difficult to control and I don't always get the line stability I want (except for a few different ones here and there that have surprised me). I specifically have a machine for small liners, made by Safwan (of Imago Tattoo in Montreal). It's a lovely little machine but heavy. Really puts those skinny little lines in nice, though. That's what I like about this machine too. Really stable.

Not only does it feel stable, but it's just LOVELY! Nice shape and feel to it, and it has a really interesting patina to it. I am really looking forward to seeing how the brass ages.

I'll post some work I did with it as I get to use it. Super rad piece to add to the collection!!