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I got a request from a forum member to make him a purple mini Evolution, and i got a small batch done in this color, here is a pic of the frames, i got an extra 2 of each/ evolutions, mini evolutions,la niña( power liner),la pinta(color packer 3.4mm stroke),la santamaria( for black&grey 2.6mm stroke) and the classics( direct drive). I will get them built by the end of this month, but thought iranio be cool to offer them first threw the forum, before i get them ready to go on our Facebook, website or Helsinki convention! So basically If anyone wants one PM me and i will reserve it for them, i will have them finished in about 10 days!
This is not a standard color for my production, and instead of having a serial number they will be lasered with a "purple rain" on them.
And administrator will help me post the pics in a little while.
Thanks! Roman