I have an on going issue with my Vivace 3.5 stroke that I wanted to ask you guys about. Maybe some of you have noticed the same thing with yours?

Just so the variables are under stood, I use the clear rinse tubes from Needlejig, Needlejig needles, and a 3.5 Vivace.

Okay, here is my issue. When I load a needle (mag or round) into the Vivace and snap it into the needle holster, the needle will travel at an upward angle. Its like the clip pulls the bar too far down causing the needles to sit on the corner of the tip opposed to laying flat. When you step on the pedal, the upward motion is very apparent. When traveling at this angle, the needles aren't getting saturated with ink like they should be and that is a problem.
I have to bend my bars close to the needles (instead of the center) and bend my needles down as well to have a chance at a flat ride and even then it is iffy. Friction becomes my enemy here. I have also tried flipping my needles around so the solder bar rides under the needles to combat the weird angle. Rounds dont suffer much from this, but a mag set up like this rides a little strange to me.

These tubes from neeldejig are relatively new. Could the mold for the tips be a hair too high causing a down pressured needle bar to ride at an angle? Does anyone else use these tubes?
I'm sure Ray does a lot of research before releasing his product, but could there be something that causes the needle to enter a tube too low or for the tube to sit too high?

Has anyone else had an issue with this before? I would love to hear some insight into this. Maybe an efficient way to combat it.