I will try and write this Review without Swearing....But, Fuk, it is sooooo Punchy...With that out of the way, lets begin..

I explained the Volts x Ten = Cycles Per Second/Speed/Hertsz...In another thread, if you haven't read it...STOP...go search and start on that First...

I will cut this Review short...The Machine is beautiful to look at, the balance and build quality is amazing, it is sooo light if you dropped it your ceiling would take a hit....

For Lining, I ramped this with a 9RL to 9.5V's, small adjustment, here or there and off it went...Yep, off it went, I was mearly a bystander , all I did was hold on to it.."See Below"

For Shading, drop the Volts, and put any needle in the tube, and it will do what you want..."See Below"

For Colour Saturation/Packing, well this is where this Fukn Machine shows it's Class....."See Below"

In summation, or to cut it short.
.If this Machine was a Man it would be Bruce Lee, wearing Muhammad Ali's Boxing Gloves, with Chuck Norris Blood in his Veins, whilst Drinking Scrumpy, and eating a Fukn Pie....Yep it is that Fukn Hard, when I put it down, it asked me outside for a fight...

Great Machine, will do everything, and "possibly" anything, (think Dremmel) I ain't gonna go into Volts for this or for that, keep a steady hand, and providing you know what you are doing, this might just be the most "powerful" Rotary yet,,,,,Think Cranker on Steroids... Lining 10 out of 10, Shading 10 out of 10, Packing 10 out of 10....Should be Rated as over 25yrs Old Only, and with a Pic of Yer Shop..