I run strictly rca on all my machines. for a while now my biggest problem was the availability of 1/4"phono/rca cords. Even the ones I would buy from reputable suppliers wouldnt last as long as I wanted, especially being on the road, packing up unpacking and normal wear and tear. I would take a day off every once in a while to build cords only to find myself getting down to the last one before I built any more.
I said enough is enough and decided to build an adapter for standard rca. Now I can just go to any Radio Shack, or high end stereo shop and pick up rca cords in any length I want for about 1/2 the price I would spend to build or buy a so called tattoo rca cord. Also being on the road I don't have to worry about shipping or having to pack soldering supplies to build or repair.
Another positive, is theres always some one that wants you to try their machines.... big problem when you dont have the right cord set up. This solves it. I haven't seen or heard of any one talking about doing this, so here it is. I will also be making rca/clip cord and 1/4"phono/1/8"phonos for Neo Tat and Hawk users.
Its a pretty simple build, so if any one has questions on how, or if they want to keep my shop apprentice up to par on soldering, just pm me. He might bitch under his breath, but thats what he's there for.
Thanks guys and enjoy.DSCN2894.jpgDSCN2895.jpgDSCN2897.jpg