I am using original neo tats, 7 liner and 7 and 11 curve mags for the shading. I normally run my colour packer anywhere from 10 to 11.5 volts when colour packing, but on her even 12v just does not get the colour solid. I have the long stroke for colour packing (3.5?) and I usually set the needle about .5 back into the tube, and for grey shading I use my standard stroke with the needle almost flush.
And yeah, her last sitting took 2 and a half hours, and I only charged her $125. I am normally $150 an hour, but I feel that this should have been almost finished by now, and we are only less than half way through.
I dont feel it is my machines or needle setup as I have never encountered such issues with getting ink into skin on a regular body part. Its not like its someones rib-cage or stomach, its just an arm. I dont understand why I am having such issues, its like tattooing a rhino I swear!