Hey all,

After a very successful 3 way trade with G.Graves and Aurelien I recently got my hands on my new Neotat Vivace 4.2 stroke.

I've only done 3 smallish tattoos with it so far but here's my little review:

After getting my original cheyenne hawk a month or so ago I am pretty stoked on it for my colour needs ... and although I have actually had some great results with it for lining it just didn't seem to have that special feel with linework which I look for.
With that in mind I was looking forward to testing the Vivace's capability as a liner.

Saturdays tattoo was a rework of a smallish existing piece which had a blue ring of blowout around the whole piece..... As the client had 3 tattoos which were all blown out I was understandaby cautious.... I am definitely more of a surfacey line sculpter than an old school single pass dude so I popped on a tight 7RL and immediately got the tidy, effortless lines I was looking for without doing any excess trauma to the skin ... I then broke out an 11 mag and proceeded to disguise the faint ring of blowout with some bright pink background ... as with the linework the colour went in almost effortlessly and made me remember why I'd loved my original LS neotat.

Today I did another 2 tattoos... one was a simple 8x8cm peace symbol... I used loose 9RL to line and the Vivace pushed in the lines pretty much solidly in single passes, with me having only to repass 1 or 2 small areas... I then used a 9RS for the solid black fill.... as soon as I began I almost changed up for a larger mag or RS to speed up the process ..but being a little lazy (and wishing to save myself scrubbing another tip) I stuck with the 9RS and it made the job quicker and easler than I expected from a grouping which was a little small for the tattoo.

This afternoon I reworked some old black roman numerals ... adding in a cracked stone / 3D effect in Black and grey ... I used my next gen shader for the mag work but again tried something else with the Vivace and used it for some fine detailed black and grey linework and white highlights using an extra tight 3 ..... again the machine did everything I asked it to almost effortlessly.

So far my verdict is this: I LOVE THIS MACHINE!!! ..The weight is perfectly balanced with my acetol and morphix grips and the machine runs smooth and puts in a banging line! .... all it needs to do now is push 14 Liners like butter too and I think my machine lineup will be set in stone for a while!